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Maryland, DC, Virginia & Florida Concealed Carry Course, Plus MD HQL License March 29-30, 2025 9am-5pm Saturday-Sunday
Maryland, DC, Virginia & Florida Concealed Carry Course, Plus MD HQL License March 29-30, 2025 9am-5pm Saturday-Sunday
In-Person Firearm Training
** Ammunition is NOT included for this training. Each student is required to bring 50 rounds of 9mm, ammunition to qualify.** A firearm will be provided. These are a few of the on-line sites we recommend for purchasing ammunition. , Buy Guns & Bulk Ammo Online | Magazines, Parts & Gear | Ammunition Depot
If you are looking to get the required training for your Maryland, DC, Virginia & Florida Wear & Carry / Concealed Carry Permit you have come to the right place. This class also includes your Maryland Handgun Qualifications License (HQL) The Maryland HQL is required in order to purchase handguns in Maryland. To obtain the HQL you must complete the required training provided by a Qualified Handgun Instructor certified by the Maryland State Police.
In this 16 hour course we will cover everything that is required for you to become a Maryland, DC ,Virginia, & Florida Concealed Carry Permit holder. The Wear & Carry training is in-depth handgun training, in which students will start with the firearms safety rules, different types of handguns, basic parts/nomenclature of a handgun, fundamentals of shooting, situational awareness, personal and home defense as well as review of laws related to handguns and where you can and can't carry your firearm in the state of MD, DC, VA & FL. Students will additionally learn drawing/holstering techniques as well as the laws on self-defense and Deadly Force. Participants who successfully complete this training will receive their MD, DC, VA & FL Concealed Carry training certificate as well as Maryland HQL.
Wear and Carry Class Overview:
The structure and content of this class meets the standards for Maryland, DC, Virginia & Florida and is mandatory for residents and non-residents applying for the initial Wear and Carry / Concealed Carry Permit. *UNLESS EXEMPT* This class is also for Armed Security Officers that need the initial firearms training required by the Maryland State Police to carry a firearm in Maryland in connection with their employment.
Wear and Carry Class Length:
16 Hours - This class is comprised of two, 8 hour days of classroom instruction and MD & DC requires a component that requires each student to demonstrate gun safety and proficiency with a minimum score of 70% accuracy qualification. (this demonstration includes a live-fire component).
Wear and Carry Class Fee:
$500.00 Per Person - Firearm, hearing protection, eye protection and target are provided for each student & included in this fee!
** Ammunition is NOT included for this training. Each student is required to bring 50 rounds of 9mm, ammunition to qualify.**
PLEASE NOTE: If you are applying for a Wear and Carry Permit in Maryland, Maryland is NOW a SHALL ISSUE STATE !!! Pass the required training, pass the background check, submit your application and you SHALL be issued an unrestricted Maryland Handgun Permit
If you choose to carry and own a gun it is very important that you explore your local and state laws so you fully understand your rights and the laws that govern gun ownership. It is also important to know your local and state laws governing the use of “lethal deadly force”. If someone breaks into your home, can you shoot them even if they are not visibly armed? If someone attacks you in public, do you have a duty to retreat? Under what circumstances can you legally display your gun? Are there places where you cannot carry a gun? Can you travel across state lines with your gun? These are just a few of the questions you want to answer as you make the decision to own a gun.
Neglecting to understand the legal issues including your rights and your risks is careless. You put others and yourself at risk. Also, the better you understand the laws the better equipped you will be to make quick decisions when under great stress. There are some basic defensive tips everyone should know and make part of their daily lives whether or not you carry a firearm.
That’s what we teach!!